Kiducation is the core educational belief of Podar Little Maestros  Early Childhood Centres.  Kiducation, as the name suggests, is education from the point of view of the child’s development, and so Kiducation ensures that the activities and learning that kids are exposed to at their age are relevant, developmentally-appropriate, culturally specific, and hands on.

Hand-Head-Heart = Hand-Stimulation and Experience, Head-Thinking, Heart-Nurturing

Why – Is the favourite word of young kids. This is because their neurons are connecting at a breakneck speed and curiosity becomes the key to keep these neurons connected. At Kiducation, we do not believe that ‘curiosity killed the cat’; in fact, we believe that curiosity helps create brighter brains. We allow kids to question and motivate them to wonder. While a rote-based curriculum will teach kids that the sky is blue, Kiducation helps them wonder and understand ‘why’ the sky is blue. For parents and teachers, it translates into projects, events and activities, all designed to help kids wonder, question and seek their own answers.

The goal of all education is about using knowledge to make the world a better place. When children are nurtured well, they not only grow as individuals, but also understand their responsibility to give back to society. Kiducation knows the importance of EQ in enabling children to thrive and great significance is given to create stress-free environments that allow children to fulfil their potential. Teachers and parents, partner, to understand that children have a strong desire to explore, question and manipulate and nurturing this desire sets the foundation for all future lifelong learning.

Approximately 95% of the brain develops in the first 6 years. Young children intrinsically love to touch everything and thereby learn kinaesthetically, by using all their 5 senses. To help develop neural connections, the Kiducation curriculum stresses on providing children with opportunities that involve sensory stimulation and hands-on experiences. These enable children to grasp concepts better, express themselves creatively, reflect on outcomes, learn from their mistakes and develop an improved attitude towards learning. At Kiducation, teachers and parents are facilitators of this learning process.

"When the head thinks, the heart understands and the hand implements, the child learns naturally and true development takes place."

Philosophy of Kiducation based on the Development of the child and on Brain Research Principles

Our EYFS curriculum is based on the philosophies of Reggio Emilia, Glenn Doman, Rudolf Steiner, Gijubhai Badheka, Rabindranath Tagore, Maria Montessori and other world-renowned educationists.

A child is born with more than 100 billion cells! But the usable intelligence is not determined by the number of brain cells. Rather, it’s determined by the number of connections that are made between these brain cells. These connections are formed by the experiences and thoughts that we give to our children in the early years. Sensory experiences actually help grow new branches on the billions of active cells that make up a human brain. At Podar Little Maestros, the learning is experiential. This contributes directly to the physical. emotional and intellectual development of each child.